Saturday 6 November 2010

IT'S UP!!!!!!

It's UP!!!!!!!...........................I'm tired.....................That is all.

Friday 5 November 2010


Fantastic drawings by Michelle for the 3D presentation... i think its all pulling together...! 

Click on the images to enlarge them! 

Groups Guilty Pleasure


Little bit of extra help!

Last little bit to raise some extra money, we did a cake sale on tuesday... only we were competing against another cake sale who were raising money for an actual charity.... 
We raised £40 in an hour and were sold out. I think we won....
Plus! we manages to sell the competition some cakes! 

Thursday at the workshop!

Today was a full day of workshop beauty! Everyone chipped in getting stuff bolted and glued together... although Andy came back with glue in his hair and all over his arms.... and a little bit giggly! At least were still laughing and smiling! 

Aleksandra was a pro at getting rid of the glue off the front facade of the timber! 

....It's getting there!!!


The building is getting underway! Screws are going in and the timbers are glued in their sections ready to carry to site. The prototypes are an example of how its going to look.
Ideally we wanted to cover up the bolt as the exposure will mean the rain water will collect and this will cause more problems with the expansion and splitting of the timber but it was felt that this will detract from the design and the aesthetic appeal so were going ahead for now and looking into treatments as we go. 

Thursday on site!



...and finally the bench foundations are complete!

Thursday 4 November 2010

Today had a slow start with the deadline of our history essay at 1pm. But even still we got into the workshop and started drilling away at the timber again and bolting it together!
By lunch time we had 3/4 of the smaller arch connected! lets hope we keep this pace up!!

Sinead, Aimee, Eddie and Aidan started the work on the bench while Lyle drilled our resin anchor bolts into the foundations! HUGE thanks to Lyle as the weather is horrible!
Now its case of putting up the smaller arch... fingers crossed!

2 1/2 DAYS LEFT! ...EEEKS!


With 2 full days left till proposed deadline, the group sit down to discuss what finally needs done.

Someone asks how the bench is going to work... Marks answer- not even designed it yet! 


The most dedicated member of our group this week has to be Kaleena! Her 21st birthday and yet she is still in the studios slaving over our final model!
Hope the cake shows our gratitude!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Exhibition Models

Luckily we had already produced models for our own presentations so could use the best ones for our final collaborative exhibition.

Eddie Fisher produced a fantastic 1:200 site model, which Aiden added a light to. This shows the surrounding context of the site, including the Student Union, Heathfield Student halls, The Matthew Building, The Crawford Building and the tennis courts.

Kaleena also created a 1:10 model of the structure, showing all of the rebates. She carefully cut the 10x10 pieces of balsa wood and patiently glued them together.
Aimee worked on the base and the wall using balsa to give the model a very slick and clean look.
This was then crushed up, Mark decided a black wall would help the model stand out. So off again to workshop to cut some MDF to paint.

Both of these final models, along with our many experimental development ones will create a very colourful and exciting final display, on Monday for the tutors, throughout the week for the University and on Friday evening we will carefully transport everything and hold an opening night in Fat Sams nightclub.