Friday 22 October 2010

Blind Date Night!

A roaring succes!
Nick acted as a beautiful Cilla Black (even though although we had been planning the event for almost 2 weeks, yesterday we discovered that in Germany there is no such thing as Blind Date, and he had no idea who Cilla was...)

Check out the videos!
So going on dates to Lloyds bar we have...

Aoife O'Donnell (2nd yr) who chose Thomas Butterwith (2nd yr)

Stephen Weater (4th yr) who chose Katie Snodgrass (2nd yr)

Caitlin Carrol (4th yr) who chose David Byrne (2nd yr)

Congratulations guys! Be sure to let us know if there are any second dates...

The lecture theatre was full, with people even sitting on the steps. We sold over 4 crates of beer and 3 bottles of wine (mostly to the nervous contestants), and total profits were upwards of £250!

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